Onboarding of a sales profile

Do you hire a commercial profile? how do you increase the profitability of this investment and increase your chances of effective and sustainable collaboration?

You no doubt remember your first steps with one or more employers with whom you have worked. First impressions are often decisive! Today this applies even more than before because the new generations on the market are less scared of changing employers.

Competencies are scarce, and there are many job opportunities for a Salesperson! In the field of sales, it is even more difficult to retain a new employee.

Deciding to hire, releasing a budget, defining a profile and, above all, finding the right profile for you is no small task – it’s a process that lasts several weeks. However, this is only the beginning because it is essential to prepare for the arrival of your new employees and to make sure that they feel good and quickly part of the team, but also that they are quickly profitable.

What are the first steps after recruitment

The materials and technical aspects linked to the first day are often overlooked. Nevertheless, it’s this attention to details which has a real impact on the first experience and are felt by your new employee.

Even if it seems elementary, please pay attention to the following areas:

  • The materials: a clean desk, configured mobile phone, computer ready for use, email address set up, activated badge, car ready for use;
  • Share the vision, the strategy, the positioning of the company;
  • Define the context of the job function; what are your expectations regarding their sales position;
  • Communicate the company values: what are they and how do they translate into concrete terms;
  • Inform the team about the arrival of a new employee so they welcome him;
  • Present the integration plan, including submersion within the different teams to create a link between the full set of teams in the business.
  • A golden piece of advice for entry into service which will directly contribute to your sales results: Plan for custom Onboarding!

    What is known as “Onboarding” goes well beyond what you just read. Let’s be clear: you invested in a quality recruitment process; it’s just as important to think about your Return On Investment: your salesperson needs to bring in business without further delay.

    What happens if you don’t foresee sales Onboarding?

    Imagining that you have properly organised the entry into service of your salesperson from a materials and informative perspective, the first weeks of a new salesperson often resemble this: they accompany one or the other colleague, visit existing customers, grapple with small prospects, attempt, fail or succeed “haphazardly,” seek information, lose a lot of time exploring files, the CRM system and other tools related to sales. This process goes on, taking more or less time depending on your salesperson’s profile but in the end, the results are long overdue.

    Remember this: on average, depending on the expertise of the employee, the cost of a failed recruitment is estimated at between €50,000 and €100,000.

    In order to assess the cost of unsuccessful recruitment, direct costs must be taken into account: the recruitment costs, the full remuneration, training and the new recruitment to be put in place.

    But you also need to take into account the indirect costs: the lack of results in terms of sales, a drop in productivity of colleagues due to demotivation, lost leads, the potential for a poor image with prospects, suppliers, clients, etc. In summary, a significant loss of potential earnings for your company!

    What happens if you do foresee sales Onboarding?

    To foresee sales Onboarding is to give your salesperson a rigorous framework that will directly enable them to carry out the tasks entrusted to them as soon as possible.

    The goal is twofold:

    • Optimising the chances of loyalty
    • Optimising your return on investment

    Have you also thought about this? A candidate who hesitates, but is the ideal candidate in your eyes, might also be attracted by learning about the foreseen Onboarding process!

    Heads & Hunters can offer you high-quality sales Onboarding

    Our goal is to assist your new employee in his or her launch on the market. Two programmes have been developed with them in mind. It’s up to you to choose what suits you best. We also offer you a customised Onboarding programme according to the profile of your new candidate.

    • We review the sales principles (Developing a business plan and short-term objectives; guaranteeing quality sales support; deciphering the customer’s needs, dealing with objections, which attitudes to adopt, etc.)
    • We accompany your salesperson to customer meeting(s) to evaluate him
    • We make a diagnosis as well as a self-diagnosis. This enables your employees to realign themselves in relation to your expectations.

    They are sales experts, with many years of experience in business relations but also in management and coaching sales teams, who will be at your side to accompany you in a successful sales Onboarding!

    If you would like more information about our services, please contact us without delay!