Business Case: Cordeel Group

Cordeel Group is a major European player in the construction sector. It started its activity in 1934 as a family-owned business and now has an annual turnover of more than 800 million euros. The group is constantly evolving and is now the one stop construction partner for the complete construction process consisting of various companies, alliances and joint ventures. The challenge? To find 4 candidates with the right profile in the region of Temse: a CEO for C-fire, a Managing Director for C-wood and C-tech, and a Technical Salesperson for C-energy.

Cordeel Group’s expansion into new sectors such as C-fire (products and systems for firefighting) has unquestionably brought the need for management and other profiles required for running successful business operations to the forefront. 

Considering the highly competitive labour market in the sector, especially for high-level profiles, the group outsourced the task of finding the right people to Heads & Hunters. It is not only a question of finding people with unparalleled technical skills: the employees being sought must also possess soft skills that are as well-developed as their curriculum vitae. In short: not only to recruit someone with a good CV but also to find a professional with the right disposition for the job. 

Cordeel Group was specifically looking for employees with a strong value for loyalty and who were willing to commit to a long-term relationship with their company. High-potential leaders who can inspire their teams, have passion for their missions, and above all, are flexible enough to understand and adapt to the constant innovation which is inherent to their work. 


Every mission at Heads & Hunters has its own story. We start with a strategic meeting between our experts and the person directly responsible on the client’s side. We discuss the company's objectives, vision and strategy together. Other important points that come up for discussion are the expectations in terms of skills, the area of expertise and the hard and soft skills of the talent sought. Once the responsibilities and course of the selection process have been established, we begin the targeted search for potential candidates.

A talented and interested applicant receives an invitation to discuss the opportunity in broad terms before being invited for a more in-depth interview with an expert from Heads & Hunters at a later stage. We then prepare a detailed report addressing their motivations, drivers and suitability for the job, as well as their management style - followed by creating a shortlist and according to our analysis process of talents and motivations. The final step is a review of the proposed contract in the client's offices and the final selection of the best candidate!


We focus on business development, team management, inspiration and entrepreneurship. The qualities Cordeel group was looking for in the different profiles led Heads & Hunters to the executive search path. The process took place in two phases, over a period of more than six weeks: first, we searched for profiles already in our network, as well as outside it, followed by a period of testing based on positive psychology. Using the TMA methodology, these tests allow us to analyse the candidates' motivations, personal potential, cognitive skills, professional interests and proficiency level. The benefit of this method? We discuss the results with the candidate in an individual assessment interview and pass them on to the client, with whom we also conduct an assessment interview. 

The recruitment and selection process is based on an efficient, simple and swift relationship based on personal support - both for the client and the employees! A full-time contact person is always available who makes every effort to find the right profile for the company and provides feedback to candidates at every stage of the process. A human and expert approach, free of clichĂ©s, is unpretentious and tailor-made. Identifying the aspirations of the talent in the market contributes to the success and achievement of the company's goals. We firmly believe in this. 

After identifying the best candidates, we meet several candidates before shortlisting them with the client. We then complete the selection process with a TMA. The result? Four high-ranking employees, from Senior Manager to Executive Level, have joined the group.

They speak about it for us:

Through its H&H Permanent Recruitment C-Level & Testing solutions, Heads & Hunters' method of recruitment and selection put us in a position to offer a unique service tailored to Cordeel Group's needs. It is all about efficient and innovative tools that allow us to discover talents whose motivations, working methods and competencies perfectly match the group’s spirit.
