Privacy Statement

We respect your privacy!

1. Scope of the privacy statement

This privacy statement (hereinafter "Privacy Statement") applies to you for your personal data that we collect and process. It contains important information about how and for what purposes we collect and process personal data, and clarifies which rights you can exercise as a data subject. Please therefore read this Privacy Statement carefully.

This Privacy Statement governs the processing of your personal data as part of the use of our website and the services we offer. These processing operations are always carried out by Heads & Hunters NV as controller, located at Lange Klarenstraat 19, 2000 Antwerp, with company number 0648 868 038.

In concrete terms, Heads & Hunters NV will always take into account the principles on which the GDPR is based when processing personal data. We will always treat personal data lawfully for specific purposes. We will do everything necessary to never request more personal data than is necessary for the purpose or to keep this personal data for longer than necessary. Finally, we also take technical and organizational measures that guarantee appropriate security so that personal data can always be processed safely.

This Privacy Statement was last updated on July 20, 2024. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Statement if necessary.   We will always communicate changes clearly.

2. Definitions

In accordance with current regulations, personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("the data subject"); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

We define the processing of personal data as an operation or set of operations relating to personal data or set of personal data, whether or not carried out by automated processes, such as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, updating or modifying, retrieving, consult, use, provide by transmission, disseminate or otherwise make available, align or combine, restrict, erase or destroy data.

In short, we will regard all actions we take with information that can in any way be traced back to an individual as personal data and we will protect it as such.

3. Purposes and legal basis

Heads & Hunters NV will process your personal data for the purposes below, as well as which personal data we process and what legal basis is used for this.

3.1. General contact

When you contact us by email, telephone, contact form or any other medium, we will process your personal data to answer your question as best as possible. We only process the personal data that you explicitly provide to us. This information is included in our internal systems so that we can offer you even better services in the future.

If you are already known to us, we will keep this information and this information will be linked to the initial processing of personal data for which you are already known to us (e.g. because you or your organization was already a customer). If you are not known within our organization, we will keep your data for one year.

We rely on our legitimate interest for this activity.

3.2. Candidate

When you apply for a specific vacancy, we will process your personal data to assess your profile and to offer you a suitable job. In order to do this with quality, we will process the following personal data, among other things:

  • Personal identification data such as name, address or date of birth
  • Contact details such as telephone number and email address
  • Information about your work experience and education

We will receive this information from you when you register at one of our offices or through your registration on your website. This above list is purely exemplary. Depending on a specific open position, it is possible that we will process more personal data. However, this will only be done to offer you a suitable job and will not be used for other purposes.

If you are employed as a candidate by Heads & Hunters NV, Heads & Hunters NV is legally obliged to keep your data for 5 years after the end of the last assignment. If you have not yet carried out an assignment for Heads & Hunters NV, we will also keep your personal data for 5 years since the last contact. In the latter case, however, you always have the option to request deletion of your personal data via

3.3. Customers and supplier management

When we enter into agreements with our customers as suppliers, we will always process personal data in order to execute our agreement and to manage our contractual relationships. This relates, among other things, to personal data of the contact persons of customers and suppliers. These are primarily name, telephone number and email address.

This processing is necessary for the execution of the agreement, without this data we cannot execute the agreement. We are also legally obliged to keep this data for 7 years for accounting and tax obligations.

3.4. Internal Recruitment

In the context of internal recruitment, we collect data from people who apply for a job with us, whether spontaneously or not. This can be done via the job section on our website, LinkedIn messages, e-mails, or other clear actions in which an applicant indicates that he or she is interested in applying.

Your data will be deleted within 13 months after the application if no job interview or screening has taken place.
After an interview or screening, the candidate will be included in the internal recruitment reserve unless otherwise agreed.

Your data will be kept in the recruitment reserve for 13 months after the last contact, unless you indicate that you wish to delete your data earlier.
If the person is hired, this information will be included in the personnel files and will be kept for 5 years after the termination of the agreement.

3.5. Newsletters and commercial messages

We believe it is important to have a good relationship and communication with all our partners. We will therefore contact you to keep you informed of relevant offers and of innovation and novelties that you may find interesting, based on the initial relationship you have with us.

For the processing of personal data under this activity, Heads & Hunters NV will use its legitimate interest. If you have explicitly registered for our newsletter, we rely on your consent. If you receive this communication from us, you can indicate at any time that you no longer wish to receive it in the last message you received from us.

3.6. Camera security

Heads & Hunters NV has installed security cameras at certain locations to protect the physical safety of visitors and employees. These cameras do not always save the images, but in some cases only display the current image. Heads & Hunters NV collects this data on the basis of its legitimate interest to ensure the safety of everyone. The image recordings are kept for a maximum of 30 days.

4. Your rights as a data subject

With the help of the GDPR, you have various rights regarding your personal data. However, these do not always apply. You have the following rights.

These rights can be exercised free of charge by sending an email to As required by law, we will process your request within one month of receiving your request, subject to legal exceptions.

In order to respond to some requests, we may ask for additional information to confirm your identity and to ensure that the request came from you. We do this mainly in your interest to prevent your personal data from being unwantedly shared with third parties or deleted.

4.1. Right to access your personal data

The right to request access to your personal data, to request a copy of the personal data we collect about you and additional information about how we process your data.

4.2. Right to rectification

The right to have incorrect personal data corrected or incomplete personal data that we hold about you supplemented.

4.3. Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten")

The right to have your personal data removed from our systems.

The request to delete your personal data cannot always be granted due to, for example, contractual or legal obligations. We will comply with these obligations when processing your request.

4.4. Right to object

The right to object to the processing of your personal data if the processing is based on our legitimate interest or on grounds of public interest. We will cease processing unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate interests for further processing or for the exercise of legal claims.

You can also object if we process your data for direct marketing purposes, so that the personal data is no longer processed for these purposes.

4.5. Right to withdraw your consent

You can withdraw your consent at any time for the processing of your personal data collected by us with your consent. For example, you can unsubscribe from newsletters at any time. However, withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before it was withdrawn.

4.6. Right to restriction of processing

In certain cases you have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted. If you successfully exercise this right, we will continue to store your data but limit its use. You can make this request, for example, if you believe that your personal data is incorrect or if the processing by us is not justified.

4.7. Right to portability of personal data

The right to receive your personal data processed by us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or to have such data transmitted or copied to another controller.

4.8. Right to file a complaint

If you believe that we are violating your data protection rights, you have the right to file a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority: Data Protection, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0) 2 274 48 00, email :

5. Recipients

In principle, we will not pass on personal data to other parties who may use this personal data for their own purposes. We will share your personal data in these specific cases:

Personal data may be shared between our various affiliates if such transfer is necessary to provide our products or services in accordance with the predetermined purpose.

We use processors for various processing activities. These are parties that receive specific instructions from Heads & Hunters NV about the processing of your personal data. Under no circumstances may they process your personal data for their own purposes.

If the law explicitly obliges us to provide the personal data.

Regardless of the processing, we will do everything necessary to process your personal data solely within the European Economic Area. If we do process your personal data outside the European Economic Area, we will do everything necessary to ensure that the country of destination offers an adequate level of protection so that your personal data is not protected less than if it had remained within the European Economic Area.

6. How long will my data be kept?

We always apply the principle of storage limitation, which means that for each processing of personal data we ask ourselves whether it is still necessary to process this personal data. If the need disappears, we will delete your personal data. If there is a legal provision that imposes a specific retention period on us, we will always follow this retention period. You can find the specific retention periods in the description of the processing activities.

7. Contact details

If you have any comments or questions about the information in this Privacy Statement, or about other issues relating to our processing of your personal data, please contact us at

If you prefer to contact us by post, you can do so at the following address:

Heads & Hunters NV, Lange Klarenstraat 19, 2000 Antwerp.
